Protéger ton téléphone pour le garder longtemps

When you buy your phone, you want it to work as long as possible, and that's normal! We usually spend a fair amount of money on this device and it's with us almost 24/7. So we're sharing some easy tips to help extend the life of your precious phone.


It is essential to get a good case for your phone. Our advice? Buy one that goes all the way around your screen and has reinforced corners. This will better protect your phone from drops since it often lands directly on a corner.


Another essential to protect your phone. The best is to take a tempered glass installed by professionals to avoid any dust or bubble. Money well spent, because it's a lot less expensive than changing the screen of your phone!


There are a few tips that can help extend the life of your device's battery:

  • First, don't wait until your battery is completely drained before charging it.

  • Second, don't plug your phone in all night. This is a habit many people have, but it's not very good for the battery in the long run. The best thing to do is to keep the battery between 20 and 80% and do several small charges during the day as needed.

  • Finally, choose your charger carefully. Yes, some chargers are better than others! If you're not sure which one to get, one from your cell phone company or a Top notch one is a good choice.

With these tips, you're on the right track to enjoying your phone for a long time. Check out our accessories, we've got everything to protect your phone.